AVC Risk and Safety Services Programs

There are a number of cross-divisional campus administrative teams and programs charged by the Chancellor, the EVC/Campus Provost, and the Associate Vice Chancellor for Risk and Safety Services to manage the myriad of activities and initiatives around campus associated with campus safety and risk. The Associate Vice Chancellor for Risk and Safety Services is charged with oversight over the following:


Behavioral Intervention Team

The BIT is a multidisciplinary, rapid response team for evaluating incidents of potential or actual violence within the UCSC community. 

The Team is composed of the Associate Vice Chancellor of Risk and Safety Services &/or a representative, the Chief of Police, the Director of Counseling and Psychological Services, the Dean of Students &/or a representative, and the Director of Risk Services. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: This BIT Incident Reporting Form is NOT an emergency response system. Online submissions are addressed during normal business hours, Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. 

Cases that present an immediate threat to self, others or property are considered an emergency and you should call the UC Santa Cruz Police Department at 9-1-1.


Campus Safety Ambassador Program

The Campus Safety Ambassador Program promotes campus safety and security. Trained in emergency response, first aid, CPR, and disaster response, our campus safety ambassador team serves the campus residential communities, administrative buildings, parking lots, and other areas including the Westside Research Park (10:00am - 7:00pm) and Coastal Sciences Campus (4:00pm - 8:00am the following morning).

To request assistance from a CSA call Police Dispatch at 831-459-2100.


Demonstration Operations Team

The Demonstration Operations Team (DOT) is an administrative team charged by the EVC/Campus Provost office with coordinating the campus’ specific operational planning and response needs related to campus activism including demonstrations, labor relations activities, strikes and other large public events that require campus response, coordination and management. The team is coordinated by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Risk and Safety Services.


Emergency Operations Center

The office of Emergency Management under the guidance of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Risk and Safety Services is responsible for maintaining the campus Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for use during major events and emergency situations. The EOC is staffed by representatives from various campus units with responsibilities relating to emergency response or recovery. During a major event or emergency, the EOC is activated to coordinate campus operations and recovery efforts.

During a regional disaster, the campus EOC communicates with the Santa Cruz County EOC for resource needs outside of the capabilities of the campus. The campus EOC also provides updates to the UC Office of the President and their EOC and may coordinate inter-campus mutual aid with other UC campuses around the state.